Removed Full Body Airport Scanners Being Redeployed By Military, Law Enforcement

"Many of the controversial full-body airport security scanners that generated images of passengers described as “naked,” or “nearly naked” by critics and the press, will be removed from U.S. airports as of June, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced on Friday, ending a $5 million contract.

But the approximately 250 scanners that the TSA has pledged to remove won’t go unused for long: The TSA has entered into an agreement with Rapiscan Systems, the company that makes them, to redeploy the devices “to other mission priorities within the government,” as the TSA put it in an official blog post.

“We are working with the TSA to send them to other government agencies that already use the technology,” said Peter Kant, executive vice president at Rapiscan, in a phone interview with TPM. Rapiscan is a subsidiary of OSI Systems".